Visitation Rights Lawyers

At Kelleher & Kelleher, we know that maintaining strong family bonds is crucial, especially when it comes to your children. If you’re dealing with visitation rights issues in Las Vegas, you need a visitations rights law firm that combines legal expertise with a deep understanding of family dynamics. That’s where we come in.

Ready to get help? We're ready to listen. Call now.

Visitation rights in Nevada aren’t just about spending time with your child—they’re about nurturing relationships, creating lasting memories, and playing an active role in your child’s life. But the legal landscape can be tricky to traverse on your own.

In Nevada, visitation rights differ from custody. While custody involves the right to make important decisions about your child’s upbringing, visitation focuses on the time you spend with your child. It’s not just for parents, either. Grandparents, step-parents, and other significant figures in a child’s life may also seek visitation rights under certain circumstances.

The Visitation Rights Process

Getting visitation rights isn’t as simple as showing up to court and asking. You need to file a petition, present your case, and convince the judge that your visitation is in the child’s best interests. The court looks at various factors, including:

  • Your relationship with the child
  • The child’s needs and preferences (if they’re old enough)
  • Your ability to provide a safe, nurturing environment
  • Any history of domestic violence or substance abuse

Creating a visitation schedule that works for everyone can be challenging. That’s where our experience comes in handy. We’ll help you craft a schedule that meets your needs, your child’s needs, and satisfies the court’s requirements.

Types of Visitation Arrangements

Every family is unique, and so are visitation arrangements. Some common types include:

  • Standard visitation schedules: These typically involve alternating weekends, some weekday evenings, and shared holidays.
  • Supervised visitation: In cases where there are safety concerns, the court may order that visits be supervised by a neutral third party.
  • Virtual visitation: With today’s technology, you can stay connected with your child even when you can’t be there in person.

visitation rights ensure a parent spends time with a childModifying Visitation Orders

Life changes, and your visitation arrangement might need to change too. Maybe you got a new job with different hours, or you’re moving to a new city. Whatever the reason, we can help you request a modification to your visitation order. We’ll show the court why the change is necessary and in your child’s best interests.

Enforcing Visitation Rights

What if your ex isn’t following the visitation order? It’s frustrating, but you have options. We can help you take legal action to enforce your rights. Remember, visitation isn’t just your right—it’s your child’s right too.

Visitation Rights for Non-Parents

Grandparents, have you been cut off from seeing your grandchildren? Step-parents, are you worried about maintaining your relationship with your step-kids after a divorce? Nevada law recognizes that these relationships can be vital to a child’s well-being. We can help you petition for visitation rights, showing the court why your continued presence in the child’s life is important.

How Kelleher & Kelleher Can Help

At Kelleher & Kelleher, we don’t just know Nevada family law—we live and breathe it. Our approach is personal because we know that no two families are alike. We’ll listen to your story, understand your goals, and craft a strategy tailored to your situation.

We’re skilled negotiators, often able to work out visitation agreements without going to court. But if litigation is necessary, we’re ready to fight for your rights in the courtroom. Our goal is always the same: to help you maintain a meaningful relationship with your child.

a father and son enjoy visitation rightsCommon Visitation Rights Questions

We hear a lot of questions about visitation rights. Here are a few of the most common:

“Can I get visitation rights if I’m not the biological parent?” Yes, it’s possible. Nevada law recognizes that non-parents can play important roles in a child’s life. We can help you demonstrate to the court why granting you visitation is in the child’s best interests.

“What if the other parent isn’t following the visitation schedule?” Document the violations and get in touch with us. We can help you take legal action to enforce the visitation order.

“Can I modify my visitation schedule?” Yes, if there’s been a significant change in circumstances. We can help you petition the court for a modification.

“Do I need a lawyer to get visitation rights?” While it’s not required, having an experienced attorney can significantly improve your chances of getting a favorable outcome. We know the ins and outs of Nevada family law and can guide you through the process.

Ready to Protect Your Visitation Rights?

Don’t let legal complexities stand between you and your relationship with your child. At Kelleher & Kelleher, we’re here to help you secure and protect your visitation rights.

Call us today at (702) 384-7494. Let’s work together to ensure you can play an active, meaningful role in your child’s life. Your family’s future is too important to leave to chance—trust it to the experienced Las Vegas visitation rights lawyers at Kelleher & Kelleher.

“When we went to trial I felt confident that we were prepared. John had an amazing presence in court.I knew I was being well represented. If you are looking for legal representation, talk to John before making a decision.”

—Jay H., client

What about adoption?

With compassion, understanding, and sensitivity, we can help you along this very difficult process while protecting your interests.

What about child custody?

In the family court arena, nothing is more important to the parties than custody issues regarding their children. At Kelleher & Kelleher, the attorneys are all parents and we understand how important your children are to you. We are ready to aggressively represent you in child custody matters.

Let us help you.

If you have any questions regarding parental rights termination, contact us for a consult today!

Call us at (702) 384-7494


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