Adoption Attorneys

Are you considering adoption in Nevada? The journey to expand your family through adoption can be both exciting and overwhelming. At Kelleher & Kelleher, we understand the emotional and legal complexities you’re facing. As experienced adoption attorneys in Las Vegas, we’re here to guide you through every step of the process. Whether you’re looking to adopt a stepchild, pursue domestic adoption, or explore international options, our team is ready to help make your dream of parenthood a reality.

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Types of Adoption in Nevada

Nevada offers several types of adoption to suit different family situations. If you are not sure which type of adoption is right for you, call the adoption attorneys at Kelleher & Kelleher.

Domestic Adoption

Domestic adoption involves adopting a child born in the United States. In Nevada, you have two main options for domestic adoption: agency adoptions and independent adoptions.

Agency Adoptions: These adoptions are facilitated by licensed adoption agencies. They handle everything from matching you with a birth mother to managing the legal paperwork. Agency adoptions offer a structured process with professional support throughout. The agency will typically provide counseling services for both adoptive and birth parents, handle the home study process, and coordinate all necessary legal work. While agency adoptions can provide peace of mind and comprehensive services, they often come with longer wait times and higher costs due to the extensive services provided.

Independent Adoptions: Also known as private adoptions, these allow you to work directly with birth parents or through an adoption attorney like Kelleher & Kelleher. In an independent adoption, you might find a birth mother through personal networking, online adoption platforms, or with the help of an adoption facilitator. Independent adoptions can offer more flexibility and potentially shorter wait times, but they require more active involvement from you in the process. You’ll need to be prepared to handle more of the logistics yourself, such as advertising to find a birth mother and coordinating the home study. However, with the right legal support, independent adoptions can be a rewarding path to parenthood.

A nevada adoption lawyer helps a couple with their foster care adoption

Foster Care Adoption

Foster care adoption involves adopting a child who is currently in the state’s foster care system. These children may be older, part of a sibling group, or have special needs. The process typically begins with becoming a licensed foster parent, which involves training and a home study. You may foster a child for a period of time before adopting, or you might be matched with a child who is already legally free for adoption.

Foster care adoption often comes with lower costs compared to other forms of adoption, as many expenses are covered by the state. Additionally, children adopted from foster care may be eligible for ongoing financial assistance and medical coverage. Beyond the financial aspects, foster care adoption offers the profound satisfaction of providing a permanent, loving home to a child who has experienced loss and separation.

Stepparent Adoption

If you’re married to someone who has children from a previous relationship, stepparent adoption allows you to become the legal parent of your stepchild. This process can strengthen family bonds and provide legal rights and responsibilities to the stepparent. Stepparent adoption typically involves obtaining consent from the other biological parent, unless their parental rights have been terminated. The process is often simpler than other forms of adoption, but it still requires legal finalization through the court system.

Stepparent adoption can provide numerous benefits, including:

  • Legal decision-making rights for the stepparent
  • Inheritance rights for the child
  • The ability for the child to take the stepparent’s name
  • A sense of permanence and belonging within the family unit

an adoption attorney helps a mom adopt her son

Relative Adoption

Relative adoption, also known as kinship adoption, involves adopting a family member’s child. This could be a grandchild, niece, nephew, or other relative. Relative adoptions often have simplified processes compared to other types of adoption, as the court recognizes the existing family relationship. However, they still require legal finalization and may involve home studies and background checks.

Relative adoption can be a compassionate solution when biological parents are unable to care for their child. It allows the child to remain within the extended family, maintaining familial and cultural connections. While the process may be emotionally complex, it can provide stability and continuity for the child.

International Adoption

While less common, international adoption is still an option for Nevada residents. This process involves adopting a child from another country and can be complex, requiring compliance with both U.S. and foreign laws. International adoption typically involves working with a Hague-accredited adoption agency, completing an extensive home study, and dealing with immigration procedures.

The international adoption process can be lengthy, often taking two to three years or more. It requires significant paperwork, including dossiers that must be authenticated and translated. Prospective parents must also be prepared for travel to the child’s country of origin, sometimes multiple trips. Despite these challenges, international adoption can be a rewarding way to grow your family while providing a home to a child in need.

The Nevada Adoption Process

Regardless of the type of adoption you choose, you’ll need to go through several important steps. Our Nevada adoption attorneys can help you through each of these steps with compassion and unwavering support.

Home Study Requirements

A home study is a comprehensive assessment of your ability to provide a safe and loving home for an adopted child. It’s required for all types of adoption in Nevada, except in some cases of stepparent adoption. The home study process typically includes:

Home Visits: A social worker will visit your home to assess its safety and suitability for a child. They’ll look at the physical space as well as the family dynamics.

Interviews: All adult members of the household will be interviewed. These discussions cover topics such as your reasons for adopting, your parenting philosophy, and your family background.

Documentation Review: You’ll need to provide various documents, including financial records, health statements, and personal references. These help create a comprehensive picture of your ability to care for a child.

Education: Many home studies include educational components to prepare you for the unique aspects of adoptive parenting. This might cover topics like attachment, talking to your child about adoption, and challenges that may come up in the future.

The home study process, while thorough, is not designed to be an obstacle. Instead, it’s an opportunity for you to reflect on your readiness to adopt and to prepare for the journey ahead. At Kelleher & Kelleher, our adoption attorneys can guide you through this process.

An adoption lawyer helps a foster parent adopt his foster daughter

Background Checks

All prospective adoptive parents in Nevada must undergo thorough background checks. These are designed to ensure the safety and well-being of the child. Background checks typically include:

Criminal History Checks: This involves a search of state and federal criminal databases. A criminal record doesn’t automatically disqualify you from adopting, but certain offenses, particularly those involving children, may prevent you from being approved.

Child Abuse and Neglect Registry Checks: These checks look for any history of substantiated child abuse or neglect allegations.

Fingerprinting: You’ll need to submit fingerprints, which are used for FBI background checks.

References: You’ll typically need to provide several personal references who can speak to your character and ability to parent.

While these checks may seem invasive, they’re a crucial part of ensuring that adopted children are placed in safe, loving homes. The adoption attorneys at Kelleher & Kelleher can help you address any concerns that may arise.

Financial Considerations

Adoption costs can vary widely depending on the type of adoption. It’s important to be prepared for these expenses and the financial resources that may be available to you. Here’s a breakdown of potential costs:

Agency Fees: If you’re working with an adoption agency, you’ll need to pay for their services. These fees can range from $20,000 to $45,000 for a domestic adoption.

Legal Fees: Whether you’re working with an agency or pursuing an independent adoption, you’ll need legal representation. At Kelleher & Kelleher, we strive to provide transparent, fair pricing for our services.

Home Study Costs: The home study process typically costs between $2,000 and $4,000.

Birth Mother Expenses: In many domestic adoptions, adoptive parents cover certain expenses for the birth mother, such as medical costs and living expenses during pregnancy.

Travel Expenses: If you’re adopting from another state or country, you’ll need to factor in travel costs.

While these costs can be significant, there are resources available to help. These include adoption grants, low-interest loans, and the federal adoption tax credit. We can help you explore these options and create a financial plan for your adoption journey.

Timeline Expectations

The adoption process can take anywhere from several months to several years. It’s important to approach adoption with patience and realistic expectations. Factors affecting the timeline include:

Type of Adoption: Generally, foster care adoptions can be quicker than private domestic or international adoptions.

Age and Needs of the Child: If you’re open to adopting an older child or a child with special needs, the process may move more quickly.

Availability of Birth Parents: For domestic infant adoptions, the timeline can depend on how quickly you’re matched with a birth mother.

Legal Processes and Paperwork: Each step of the adoption process, from the home study to court finalization, takes time. International adoptions often have additional steps that can extend the timeline.

While waiting can be challenging, it’s important to use this time to prepare for parenthood. Many adoptive parents use the waiting period to learn about adoption issues, prepare their home, and build a support network.

At Kelleher & Kelleher, we’re here to support you through every stage of the adoption process. We understand that each adoption journey is unique, and we’re committed to providing personalized guidance and support. If you’re ready to take the next step in your adoption journey, or if you have questions about the process, don’t hesitate to reach out. You can call us at (702) 384-7494

Let’s work together to make your dream of growing your family a reality.

“When we went to trial I felt confident that we were prepared. John had an amazing presence in court. I knew I was being well represented. If you are looking for legal representation, talk to John before making a decision.”

—Jay H., client


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