Guardianship Attorneys

When a loved one can’t take care of themselves, you might need to step in. That’s where guardianships come in. In Nevada, a guardianship is a legal arrangement where someone (the guardian) is appointed by the court to make decisions for another person (the ward) who can’t make those decisions for themselves. Your guardianship attorney at Kelleher & Kelleher helps make this happen.

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Nevada recognizes two main types of guardianships: guardianship of the person, which covers decisions about personal care, and temporary guardianship, a short-term solution for emergencies. These arrangements are crucial in protecting vulnerable individuals, whether it’s an elderly parent with dementia or a child whose parents can’t care for them.

When Guardianship Becomes Necessary

For adults a guardianship might be needed in cases of severe mental illness, developmental disabilities that affect decision-making, or age-related cognitive decline like Alzheimer’s or dementia.

For children, guardianships may be necessary when both parents have passed away or if they’re deemed unfit by the court.

Signs that a guardianship might be needed include an inability to manage finances, neglect of personal hygiene or nutrition, or making decisions that put oneself or others at risk. If you’re noticing these signs in a loved one, it might be time to consider legal options.

las vegas guardianship attorneyTypes of Guardians and Their Roles

Nevada law recognizes several types of guardians, each with specific roles and responsibilities. A general guardian handles all aspects of the ward’s care, while a special guardian is appointed for specific tasks or decisions. In cases where there’s no family or friends to serve, a public guardian may be appointed by the government. There are also private professional guardians who serve multiple wards.

The Guardianship Process in Nevada

Establishing a guardianship in Nevada isn’t a simple process, but at Kelleher & Kelleher, we’re here to guide you through every step. The process typically begins with filing a petition with the court. You’ll need to gather required documents, which may include medical evaluations and financial records. The proposed ward and their family must be notified, and a court hearing will be held. If approved, you’ll receive your appointment and Letters of Guardianship.

This process can be complex, but you don’t have to navigate it alone. Our experienced team of family law attorneys at Kelleher & Kelleher has helped countless Las Vegas families through this journey. Give us a call at (702) 384-7494, and we’ll help you understand and manage the guardianship process.

Rights and Responsibilities in Guardianship

As a guardian, you’re taking on significant responsibilities. You’ll have the authority to make decisions about healthcare, living arrangements, and personal care for your ward. However, it’s important to remember that this authority isn’t unlimited. The court will specify what you can and can’t do, and you’ll need to respect the ward’s rights.

a las vegas guardianship lawyer helped a father care for his childWards retain important rights under guardianship, including the right to an attorney and the right to contest the guardianship. They may also retain certain personal rights, like the right to vote, unless specifically removed by the court. If a ward’s condition improves, they can petition the court to restore their rights. It’s all about finding the right balance between protection and independence.

How a Guardianship Attorney Can Help

At Kelleher & Kelleher, we’ve been helping Las Vegas families with guardianship issues for years. Our services include petitioning for guardianship, representing proposed guardians, advocating for protected persons, and contesting guardianships when necessary. We understand that every situation is unique, and we tailor our approach to your specific needs.

Get in Touch

Ready to take the next step? We’re here to help. Call us at (702) 384-7494 to schedule a consultation. Let’s work together to protect your loved ones.

Remember, when it comes to guardianships in Las Vegas, you don’t have to go it alone. Kelleher & Kelleher is on your side, providing the experienced, compassionate legal guidance you need.

“When we went to trial I felt confident that we were prepared. John had an amazing presence in court.I knew I was being well represented. If you are looking for legal representation, talk to John before making a decision.”

—Jay H., client

What about divorce?

With compassion, understanding, and sensitivity, we can help you along this very difficult process while protecting your interests.

What about child custody?

In the family court arena, nothing is more important to the parties than custody issues regarding their children. At Kelleher & Kelleher, the attorneys are all parents and we understand how important your children are to you. We are ready to aggressively represent you in child custody matters.

Let us help you.

If you have any questions regarding guardianships, contact us for a consult today!

Call us at (702) 384-7494


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